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The Proof Palpable of Immortality 1881

The Proof Palpable of Immortality 1881

By: Epes Sargent

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Published in 1881 | 254 pages | PDF reader required


Materializations of the Past.
The recent developments—Sensitives or Mediums—Mr. Wallace on Spirit-seeing—Sensations of a Medium—T. H. Noyes's testimony—Tangible apparitions—The Hydesville phenomena—The Davenports—J. Koons—D. D. Home- Kate Fox and the Livermore Manifestations—She marries Mr. Jencken—Their Infant son a medium—Mr. Livermore's Experiences—Spirit forms, drapery, flowers, etc.

Phenomenal Proofs of Immortality.
Nature of spirit materializations—Chavee's three Questions—Theory of the spirit-body strictly scientific—The Superior Organism—Christ's resurrection not a type of ours—Clairvoyance proves the spirit- body—Kant on the Moral Element—Mr. Emerson answered—Genesis of the belief in immortality—Phenomenal Proofs—Skepticism in high quarters—Socrates a medium—His death—A Female Socrates.

Materializations at Moravia, N. Y., and Elsewhere.
Mr. Hazard s Eleven Days in Moravia—Materializations foretold—Efforts to manifest—Mrs. Hazard appears—Mr. L. A. Bigelow's testimony—Mr. Isaac Kelso's—A spirit speech—Suspicions of fraud dissipated—Mrs. Packard's testimony—Dr. A. S. Hayward's—Mediumship of Dr. Slade—Testimony of Mrs. A. A. Andrews—Of Mr. Clarke Irvine—Mrs. Hollis's Mediumship—Dr. N. B. Wolfe's testimony—Mr. D. H. Hale's—Mr. F. B. Plimpton's—Katie King in Philadelphia—Dr. H. T. Child and Mr. Owen—Question of Identity—John King—Reflections.

Materializations in England.
Experiments in London—Mrs. Guppy—Messrs. Heme and Williams—The phenomena through Miss Cook—The spirits John and Katie King—Portrait of John King—Mr. Williams's mediumship—Miss Cook and Mr. Heme—Remarkable incident—Letter from Miss Cook—Katie's efforts to materialize—Mr. W. H. Harrison's testimony—Katie and her medium—Spirit drapery—Mr. Blyton's testimony—Mr. Charles Blackburn—Katie walks forth—Letter from Dr. Gully—Mr. Coleman's testimony—Prince Emile's—Dr. George Sexton's—Dr. Gully's—Seizure of the spirit-form—Mr. Dunphy's statement—Mr. Tapp's testimony.

Scientific Investigations.
Mr. Crookes investigates the materialization phenomena—His letter—His apparatus—The Dialectical Society—Their conclusions—The facts scientifically tested—Theory of Psychic Force—Dr. Rogers—Serjeant Cox—Unconscious cerebration—Insufficiency of the theory—Remarkable incident—Mr. H. E. Russell's testimony—Definition of Substance.

Spirit and Matter.
Are there two substances—Immateriality—Soul and Spirit—Immortality in the Bible—Ancient belief in Spirits—The Christian Fathers—Primary conception of spirit—Augustine—Descartes—Spinoza an anti-Spiritualist—His controversy with a Spiritualist—His system—His notion of immortality—Idealism and Realism—Proofs of spirit power over matter—Astonishing facts—Spirit writing—Levitation—Music— Photography—Letter carried by Spirits—S. C. Hall's testimony—Mr. W. H. Harrison's—Space to Spirits—Swedenborg's teachings—Herbert Spencer—Man's limitations.

Priority of Spirit.
How far the senses teach us—Two entities or one—Man a trinity—Testimony of seers—Skeptical exclusion of causation—Spiritualism extends the realm—On photographing spirit-forms—Papillon on Matter—Hegelian doctrine of nature—Mr. Lewes" s objections answered—Ferrier's abuse of Spiritualists—What is meant by spirit—First Causes—The Deific Nature.

More of the Phenomena through Miss Cook.
Mr. W. H. Harrison on Miss Cook's mediumship—Her own account—An unspiritual spirit—Anecdotes by Mr. Dunphy—Miss Kislingbury's testimony—Sittings for a photograph of the spirit Katie—Mr. Harrison's testimony— Mr. Luxmoore's—Messrs. Varley, Crookes and the electrical test—The crowning proof—Mr. Crookes' s testimony—Katie's spirit drapery—Cut places made whole—Farewell seance—Mrs. Ross-Church's account of it—Photographs by Mr. Crookes—His conclusive experiments.

American Phenomena.
"What is meant by immortality—Phenomenon and Cause—The Philadelphia Katie King—She disappears and reappears—Mr. A. B. Crosby's testimony—Dr. C. Pane's—E. D. Owen's—The proof palpable—The two Katie Kings—Credulity of Skepticism—A question—Anecdote by Mrs. A. A. Andrews—Clairvoyant Predictions—Mr. Irvine's testimony—Rev. S. Watson's—Rev. R. S. Pope's—Reflections.

Materializations through the Eddy Family.
Facts for induction—Tyndall and the Cambridge professors on Spiritualism—The Eddy mediums—Col. Olcott's statement—Amazing phenomena—Troops of materialized spirits—A. J. Davis on the phenomena—On Spirit and Matter.

The Spirit-body.
Reliability of seers—Swedenborg—James E. Smith on individual revelations—All imperfect—A glorious truth—Kardec on spirit teachings—The spirit-body—Universal testimony—Chaseray—Cabanis—Coleridge—Dr. Georget—Scriptural pneumatology—Resurrection of the body—The true body—The lower animals—Sir J. E. Smith—Charles Bonnet—A future for all—W. M. Wilkinson—Melancthon—Luther—Calvin—Proofs of direct action of Spirits—A nervous ether—A wonderful world of spirit—Kardec and Bacon on the spirit-body—Plutarch on mediumship—The creation out of nothing—Materializations of clothing, ornaments, etc.—The spirit-body not a mere hypothesis.

Power of Spirit over Matter.
Origin of force—Vera on force—The Darwinian theory—Moleschott on thought—Tyndall's speculations—Coleridge and Schelling—Priestley—Paul Janet—Can matter evolve mind—Atheism contrary to science—Tyndall's slur at Spiritualism.

Unity of Forces and Phenomena.
The search for unity—Aryan monotheism—Chemistry tends to unity—Reduction of living forms to unity—Principle of life—Suns and planets not dead mechanisms—Identity of life and spirit—Protestant and Catholic concurrence—Double consciousness—The All in All.

Relations of Spiritualism to Belief in God.
Atheistic spirits and seers—The finite and infinite—Descartes—Emile Saisset—Mill, Spencer and Lewes on theism—The Experience Philosophy—Personal incident—Büchner denies clairvoyance—Spiritualism a science—Picton—Christlieb—The supreme question—Materialism explains nothing—Spiritualism not atheistic—Rev. John Caird—Dogmatic materialism answered—On design in Nature- Divine personality—Hartmann—Schopenhauer—Picton—Bacon.

The Divine Nature triune.
Pantheism—Spiritualism enlarges our views of God—Union of Pantheism
and Theism—John Scotus Erigena—Bruno—Wm. Law—Rev. John Hunt—God personal—Huxley admits double consciousness—Mozart’s case—Inferences—Three in One—Man has a divine prototype—Naturalism and Theism—Swedenborg—Christlieb—Hegel—Schelling—Vera—God self- limited in Nature—The divine and human trinity—Hooker—Hamilton—Cousin.

Relations of Spiritualism to Morality.
Direct bearings of Spiritualism on a science of natural morality—Wallace's testimony—Spiritualism eclectic—Religion and ethics—Conventional morality—Socrates on Evil—Nature of the moral law—Baxter—Personal experience in mesmerism—Townshend—Origen—St. Thomas—Spinoza—Sin punishes itself—Materialization—The triune principle—Atheistic begging of the question—A moral creed—Teachings of Spiritualism.

The Message of Spiritualism.
Old revelations made new—Notions of a future life—Humboldt—Newman—Kant— Strauss—Leon Case—Indifference to life—Thomas Buckle— Laboulaye—Auerbach—St. George Stock—Personal Experiences—The Mesmerists—Kerner—Objections toSpiritualism—The Satanic theory—Locke's advice—Guldenstubbe—James Martineau—Dr. Carpenter answered—Rev. Mr. Voysey's objections—Sentiment must yield to facts.

Further Proofs Palpable.
Spirit photographs and materializations—M. A. (Oxon.)—Mumler—Gurney—Crowell—Olcott—Lenzberg— Blavatsky—Leon Case—Mrs. A. A. Andrews—The facts and the inferences—Concluding reflections.



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