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The Voice from Space 1920

The Voice from Space 1920

By: Emily Preston and Helen Noyes

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Published in 1920 | 72 pages | PDF reader required


I a Master, write this word for my dearly loved pupils, for when I wish to say the word of counsel, they listen reverently and strive to follow. Follow you too and gain over self a victory. When life has assumed its proportionate place in your mind's eye, not taking the large share of the canvas but leaving space for the universal plan to assume form: when so you view the days of a man as not those of three score and ten years but those of an eternity for effort, there is then, an impetus toward the really higher life that will lead you far if you set foot upon the path, determined to achieve faith through works and life in great abundance of blessing, by life in great abundance of serving. The coming to the knowledge of men of the certainty of life eternal gives them willingness to bear the mortal woe of the moment. Where faith does not exist in a life that stretches far as the farthest star in space beyond the grave, sadness is inevitable and little joy to give or to take, as life goes forward. A dusty pathway it is across the desert, with slow progress, much suffering, thirst unassuaged, love unsatisfied because not believed an enduring quality but ephemeral as life, as circumstance, as a shower in the sun-shine.

Men, whomsoever ye may be, believe in a God great enough to conceive the creation of the Universe, so divine enough to conceive an eternal progress. Men whomsoever ye may be, see light out over the great wastes of daily living because faith kindles in your hearts the belief in a light that lightens the World.

Are you blind? Who healed the blindness of one who was a sinner? Are you crippled? Who made the cripple to take up his bed and walk? Are you taken in sin? Who said go and sin no more? Are you happy? Who gave wine of happiness at a feast? Are you in sorrow? Who brought forth from the tomb the dead to give him life eternal? Are you weary and heavy laden? Who bade you come to Him for rest? This is religion. Just the teachings of Jesus the Christ. Nothing better to follow than the words of the Messenger from God who came to men that they might be saved. Not saved from damnation, why so accuse God of mortal instincts? But saved from themselves to their higher selves.

Give of yourselves you children of earth. Give more than love to those who touch your daily life, give service. And giving, learn that each widening of the vision's outlook is a progressive part of being. So you live and develop and leave a fragrant memory, so you go farther in the next step of the way.

These lessons were given to two who with my permission, give them to many. May they touch in some, a vital chord. May they reach an inner ear and carry a word of encouragement beyond the mortal brain to the immortal spirit.


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